Summer Harvest 2022

The solstice has passed and summer is finally upon us. The cottonwood seeds are drifting about the air like a mysterious summer snowfall and with that comes the ripening and harvest of the sweetgrass braids!
The sweetgrass is long this year thanks to the spring rains with many braids well above 24”. The aroma is intoxicating and the blades are a rich dark green.
Over the winter, I have developed a sweetgrass hydrosol which smells absolutely lovely. The spray can fill a room with a pure sweetgrass aroma or sprayed on the skin as perfume. Best of all, I can attest to its mosquito repelling properties as I have been dousing myself to keep those little buggers off the hide of my dog and myself In the field!
It is only the second year of my sweetgrass farm but I hope to spread this wonderful plant and it’s healing properties to others and continue to grow for many years to come.
Please consider buying a braid soon while they are fresh and most rich with scent but if you miss it, no worries as I hope to have a bountiful fall harvest as well to keep the sweetgrass burning all through the winter.
I wish you all a wonderful summer filled with love and time in nature!
Meadowlark Apothecary